

Chilcotin/Cotin, son of Questa and Bomber turned 12 years old today!

Thank you Landschaft for a great real German Shepherd!

Gary Stollenwerk

Hello Marcy


Yesterday we had to let go of our beautiful beast Nala who was a landschaft GSD born in Nov 2009.


She was fierce, fun loving, stubborn and loved everyone. She spent years in search and rescue work and to the last minute had an unbelievable nose to find whatever she was looking for.


Its heartbreaking to see her go but we promised her we’d look after her just as she did for us.


Thank you for 13 of the best friend years we could ask for!


Liam Duggan

Liam Duggan


Hello Marcy


Yesterday we had to let go of our beautiful beast Nala who was a landschaft GSD born in Nov 2009.


She was fierce, fun loving, stubborn and loved everyone. She spent years in search and rescue work and to the last minute had an unbelievable nose to find whatever she was looking for.


Its heartbreaking to see her go but we promised her we’d look after her just as she did for us.


Thank you for 13 of the best friend years we could ask for!


Liam Duggan

Liam Duggan




Our Annabella “Annie” passed away August 9, 2021.


She was well mannered and easy to train. She had the sweetest disposition and always seemed to have a smile on her face. She was playful to the end and loved her sqeaky toys. I wish I had a nickel for everybody who told me how beautiful she was.


Thank you for raising such wonderful German Shepherds. She brought much joy into our lives and will be missed. 


Steve Strunga 

Steve Strunga


Thank You!! We lost Our Shepard yesterday. Our hearts our broken today because he was a wonderful dog.  Loved everyone. Was wonderful with our grandkids; neighbors. Just a wonderful pet We just want to thank you from the bottom of ?  .We live in Shorewood  lllinois and Bubba was the last of a litter. Just know he was loved and well taken care of! Thanks again Don.

Don Andrews


From October 1997 litter


Don’t know if I ever showed this picture to you. Taken in April or May 2002. Simba, the world’s most amazing dog, with our oldest, Isaiah, at about one month old.


You may recall we lost Simba 2 years later, 9 May 2004, Mother’s Day. I’ve never gotten over that loss.



Robert Fish


Hi Marcy,
You’re probably sick of getting emails saying how great your puppies are.. You know it’s your fault for breeding such good dogs and I can help myself from sending the emails.. 🙂

Sully is beyond fabulous. He has learned to be more gentile with the kids, and his mouthiness with me had really dropped off recently. Still mouthy at times but we’re down to a level 2 so it’s mild and easy to remind him that we don’t play that way.

Last weekend we put a tent in our backyard and “camped out”. Wasn’t sure how things were going to play out with Sully but he was a champ. We entered the tent once during the day to show him what it was, and not to be scared of it. At night we went to the tent to sleep. No playing, everyone put their heads down and lights out.. Guess what? Sully figured it out, slept through the night, and was a perfect tent mate.

There is nothing we can’t do with this dog.

Thank you Marcy!


Steve Kaus


Hey Marcy,
I got to spend 8 days dedicated to Tillie and am in the airport and headed out of town. I handed over the reigns to my husband, so hopefully he will stay consistent. We have been 2.5 days without an accident and all dogs are sleeping, playing and eating along side each other. We started Dumdum on tramadol and he seems much happier and is initiating play w the puppy. He’s even sharing toys and sticks. Tillie is a spitfire. More puppy than dumdum was. Glad you gave us an intro landschaft dog. The only person she’s challenging seems to be ME, hand biting, ankle nipping, etc, but even that had tapered off by the end of the week.
Thanks again Marcy, she’s an amazing little dog. We are all Smitten. She reminds me so much of Heika.
Ps. She’s a kale rib and frozen carrot eating fiend!!
Kelly Taub


Hi Marcy,

Here is a picture of Pele

What can I say about this boy! He is just a  gorgeous delight!  Hard working,, intense on the field, absolutely lovable and silly off the field. The game is on when the toys come out then quick to go belly up for a tummy rub.  He is constantly happy and full of joy.  Pele is so in tune with me and offers so much.  I just love this guy!!!


Sarah Tenbensel


Hello Marcy

Back in 2007 (the day before the Bears Superbowl) my wife Suzana and I purchased a black German Shepherd with a white dot on his chest. We just want to say thank you for breeding such a wonderful dog. He (Spongy) has been the greatest family member, companion, and now protector of our newborn daughter that we can’t begin to describe our hapiness with him. He has also had a happy life the last 5 years as he has moved with us from Chicago to San Francisco, and to Baltimore. He has swam in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, although he would drive me crazy as he would disregard the Great White shark signs at the dog park under the Golden Gate Bridge and jump in the ocean. Other than a minor prostate issue that required him to be fixed, we have the happiest, healthiest dog we could ever hope for.

Thank you Marcy and we will call you when we are ready for a second Shepherd.

Marty and Suzana

Hi Marcy,

I wanted to let you know that we have never had a dog that got as many compliments as Shatzie. Everywhere we go people stop us to tell us how big he is and how beautiful he is. People stand in amazement complimenting him. I am not exaggerating and I am not bragging. Well, I am bragging but that’s besides the point LOL. We took Shatzie to the Backer Show in Rosemont and we had crowds around us. I was asked for his breeders information by 2 people. The first one that asked for your information was working at the check-in window. He never (and I mean never) took his eyes off of him. Ernie was asking him a question and all this man did was go on and on about how beautiful he is. Shatzie is well trained and just sits there tall and proud. Marcy, he was a show stopper.


Shatzie is now a certified therapy dog and he also passed his good citizenship test. This dog is something else. We take him everywhere with us. As a matter of fact, when we close the kennel in Jan. and Feb. we leave our pets in the kennel and my son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren take care of them. Well Ernie wants to take Shatzie with us when we drive to Florida, and then back home for a week and then to Arizona for a couple weeks. We have a 5th wheel camper so Shatzie will be camping with us.


Wanted to pat you on the back for the wonderful dog you created for us. He has a personality that is unbelievable, loves people (unless they come around the house uninvited), LOVES KIDS, has not been crated since he was 4 months old. He doesn’t chew anything (he is a BIG time chewer but only chews his toys), does not eat off the counters like my 9 1/2 year old Fila does, does nothing bad!!!!!!


If you get any calls from the Backer Christmas Show in Rosemont from last weekend, you’ll know why they contacted you.


Have a great day! Hope all is good over there.

Janet Abderhalden

Dear Marcy,

Almost 12 years ago, late October 1999, I awaited news of a new Landschaft Kennel litters’ arrival. Long story short, I picked up Rivan in mid-December and he has been by my side ever since. Strong willed, determined, loving, loyal just begin the list that I’m sure you’ve had recited many times over to describe your dogs. He was not my first German Shepherd but likely is my last and I’m struggling to let go. He can no longer walk on his back legs, except in that rare moment when he must sense I’m losing hope and then he stands on all four legs as strong and proud as always – if only for a moment. He has no control or feeling in his hind quarters, which makes timing in getting him outside critical. We have fashioned two supports, one for each leg, and he allows Dave to put them on most times to transport him. When he wants to get around without us, he drags himself. It was difficult to watch but he has adapted so we have as well. He comes alive at night and still demands total attention and play time. Although his body is failing, his heart and will have not diminished.

All those years ago I knew I was looking for a special dog. Little did I know how special he would be.

Thank you,

Mary Lou

Hi Marcy…..I wanted to let you know that after more than 12 years of being the most loyal companion anyone could have, I have decided to put “Parker” down to rest today.  She has difficulty walking and is clearly in pain from her back legs and a number of tumors.  She has been on way too much pain medication and she simply doesn’t deserve to suffer.  She let me know yesterday when she went up the first two steps to follow me upstairs–she turned around and went back down.  It was the first time she was unable to do what she wanted to do…follow me, be near me and watch me.  She is not herself and I believe she is telling me it is her time now.  The vet came out right away and we gave her until this morning to see how she was.  She was uneasy all night and as I layed next to her, I decided it was time.  I am heartbroken but know that she deserves to rest.

I absolutely love this sweet girl and can not thank you enough for sending her to me 🙂

I have attached my favorite photo of her and a painting of the same that a  friend of mine did for me a few months back.
I will treasure the time I was able to spend with this beautiful girl and thank you so much for letting her be a part of my life.


Dear Marcy and Craig,

I lost my true soul mate today. RENO crossed over to the rainbow bridge and is now reuinited with his big brother ALEX and his little sister NICKI. Sorry I could not tell you guys personally at this time. Losing a friend whether animal or human is always hard but losing RENO is devastating. He has beent here for me for the past 13 years though the good tims and he is the one I poured my heart out to in the very worst of times. He always sat there listening to all of my stupid thoughts as well as my brilliant ones. RENO took me for who I am and never judged. I will miss him terribly. So will all of his other animal buddies, especially CAY and SASHA his cat. Even though RENO had been losing control of his hind end and had a difficult time coordinating walking at times, I laid a track for him on Sunday. Took us a little longer to finish but he tracked flawlessly and earned 100 points in my book. Attached are a couple of pictures that portray who RENO was. Chat later. Love you guys.


Thank you Marcy, for the almost 9 years of pure enjoyment we had with our Rascal. I still have a copy of the email that I sent you in September of 2001 about how our little puppy was so intent on her antics that kept us saying, “You little Rascal.” I never thought that the name would stick, but it did.

Rascal was born July 11, 2001 as Yeska to Ivy Vom Landschaft (Bric Zlatin Dvor). She was so intelligent and kept us very entertained with her humor. What a character!! It was very difficult to be in a bumped out mood with her around. When I was sick and stayed home from work, she would pull my pillow out from under my head. If that didn’t get my attention (I tried not to laugh!) she would grab the top of the blanket and drag it right off of me. We often had “heated debates” about political issues. Each time she made a “comment”, she’d throw her head from side to side. Once while we were camping, Tim and I were sitting at the picnic table when suddenly, Rascal came running out of our pup tent with our sleeping gear in her mouth and sleeping bags were flying behind her. The killer was the look she gave us as she ran past. I swear she was laughing. One of her daily activities was to open the pantry door with her nose and rummage through our recycling bin. She loved it when I would say, “What are you doing in my “cycling”? Her tail would start wagging as she continued her search. At last, when she found her prize, usually a bottle of some kind, she again, would run past us with that grin on her face, as if she got away with something.

I could go on and on with her cleverness and deeds of humor. We will truly miss her.

Rascal was diagnosed with an enlarged tumor in mid-May. With the help of baby food and liver sausage meals, we were able to see her revived, entertaining us with her antics and antagonizing her little “brother”, Midnight again. We lost her on June 6, 2010.

We thank God and you for the gift of her life.

Tim & Carol Werner


Just a quick update. Niko is doing great & he is getting so big. I think he has doubled in size in the one month we have had him. We have all fallen in love with him. We are just starting to realize what we have. This dog is so smart & well mannered . Everywhere we go people comment on his behavior & good looks. He is already house broken & goes by the door & barks or scratches if he needs to go outside. He has only been to two classes so far & he is learnig so fast that even Jeff is very impressed & says he is just about ready for level 4. Today was the first time I met Jeff, he is great with dogs & people. I am so glad we listened to you & went to Jeff for training – good people.. We are also very happy with your recommendation for Dr. Sakas, Peter & his wife are great. You picked the perfect puppy for us, he is just right for our family. Your skills as a breeder are so obvious in the quality & health of the dog you have provided us with. He just seems to know what to do & understand what we want with very little coaxing. Thank you so much for everything…

God bless..


Hi Marcy,

I just wanted you to know that I took Quora (Kayos x Xira) to an AKC obedience show in Savannah, GA, this past weekend, after not competing her for over three years. She did well and finished her CD. Actually, she placed 1st in novice A on both days (Jun 27/28 2009). Now she has a BH, AD, CGC, CD, and HCT-s. We are currently training for the CDX and I still work with her in schutzhund, though I am undecided on whether I will compete with her in schutzhund. Overall, she has been a wonderful first competition dog for me (after I survived her first year) and she has a heart of gold. I hope all is well with you.


Suzanne Greaves

Hey Marcy

An update on your puppies. Both are doing great. Minka, which I got from you 9 1/2 years ago, is doing great. She has been doing a great job at “helping” train the little one, Jaz, who is now about 18 months. Both wipe their feet when coming in from the yard. Jaz is getting used to being brushed by a wet vac. Neither one of them get on any of the furniture.

The big thing is, once I got Jaz from you, Minka is acting like a pup again. When she is outside with Jaz, she runs around, not as fast as when she younger, like she’s a pup again. I believe the joint supplement you recommended for Minka when I got her, is working great. Jaz is also on it.

Jaz is the most lovable one. She just loves to lick you & put her head in your lap & gives you “sad eye’s.” On the other hand, she is the hyper one & she has her moments like any other puppy.

The trainer at her beginners class could not believe Jaz would do what you wanted her to do, but, would not take any treats. Even at “graduation”, all the dogs got doggy ice cream with a treat on top. Jaz took the treat off the top & placed it on the ground, took one lick of the ice cream, turned around & came back to me & sat down. All the other dogs tore into their treats.

After almost 10 years, you guys are still the best. You are the only one I would recommend for a puppy.

A J. DePueHi


It was great to talk with you this morning! I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know how much Baroness Roka vom Landschaft meant to us. She was the best dog my wife or I ever had or met in our life times. She was fiercely loyal, protective of both of us, but Karen especially, intelligent and so full of energy it was simply amazing! She did not know the word quit, she would go until you were exhausted then want to go some more. I have never even heard of a dog with such heart and spirit!

We lost Roka on Friday June 5th, 2009 around 11:00pm after a short and sudden illness. She died in my arms on the living room floor while Karen rubbed her ears and face. If it had to happen, this was the way it should be. We didn’t want her to pass away alone at Dr. Jean’s or, God forbid, have to take that last ride to have her put to sleep.

I have attached a few pictures of her from our trip to Lake Wisconsin last September. She so loved the water and boating, you couldn’t keep her away from it. On the ride up to the lake, she would lay down and sleep in the truck, but all we had to do was get close enough to the lake for her to catch a whiff of water and she was up and wanting to get in the boat because she couldn’t wait to get on the water and go swimming. I think you can tell from the pictures she is in her glory.

Her passing leaves a huge gaping hole in our hearts and we miss her terribly already. We hope we have a match with Bora and are looking forward to meeting her.

Kindest Regards,

Bill and Karen

Hi Marcy

Wanted to touch base with you since it’s been almost a year. Retten is still going strong at almost 10 years of age. I’ve retired him as if he gets to excited he starts the staggering, losing balance thing, otherwise he’s fine. He’s getting fat from not being worked, and he still “wants” to work badly.

retten1We actually did a BH routine a couple of weeks ago, only because I had forgotten the pattern. He did the most beautiful routine in heeling I’ve ever seen him do.
He still has a lot of heart, and it’s hard to try and keep him calm. I was looking through some pictures the other day and found the one on the left. Thought I would share the memory of him when he was young and vibrant. He still has that focus as shown in this picture This one on the right was taken in TX after a training session. My all time favorite picture of him is below.

He is the best dog I’ve ever owned and I wanted to thank you for allowingme the opportunity to share the last 9.5 years with him. Hope all is well with you and Craig, keep breeding those working lines!

Kathy Arnold

Arkansas K9

Little Fjolle is becoming quite the good young man. I don’t know if Jerry or I told you but a few months ago Fjolle was responsible for finding over 170 pounds of cannabis. We are very proud of him.

Here are pictures.

As always,


Xara vom Landschaft has passed away after an amazing career as a working dog and companion. A special thanks to Chip and Trish Fox, the owners of Xara, these are wonderful people who I still owe BIG TIME and Marcy Blank the breeder of incredible working German Shepherds. Here are some highlights of Xara’s career.

  • AKC Novice attained in three consecutive attempts and in three consecutive days with three placing finishes.
  • AKC Open attained in three consecutive attempts. Qualification for the AKC FFX Platinum Award (the former Dog World Award requirements) with scores of 199,197,197 including two placing finishes and a High in Trial.
  • First place on her Schutzhund I with a V-rated obedience score and High obedience in trial
  • Multiple Schutzhund III titles with V-ratings in every category including 100 point SCH. III track, 98 SCH III protection and 96 SCH III obedience and multiple High in Trials
  • A 2nd place finish at he ALPO Frisbee Dog Championships
  • Demonstration dog for many training businesses, T.V., rescue groups, schools, police departments, and humane societies
  • Most of all a wonderful companion

Working as a professional in the field for over ten years I have come across several Landschaft dogs and in every case I have noticed a little something extra in these dogs that seems to set them apart.

Thank you very much,

Jeff Postle

Senior Instructor, The Tom Rose School

Officer Murray and K-9 Bony:Hi Marcy,Just wanted to let you know that Bony was put to sleep last night, Robin took him to the Vet but he couldn’t hardly walk at all and the meds weren’t helping a lot. I wanted to take a minute and thank you, if it hadn’t been for your help in finding Bony for me so many years ago I wouldn’t have known what a true friend and companion meant, he did nothing but brighten our lives and showed us what devoted friendship and love was. I will truly miss my best friend as he always made me smile and made me feel better when down, just wanted you know, he will be missed more than words can describe but he will never be forgotten.
Robert Murray


Hiya Marcy,

I just wanted to drop you a quick line and say hi. The pup I got off of you is doing fantastic and I’m very proud of him. Zeus has become a superb narcotics dog and loves to work. His personality is great and he loves people. He’s been a big hit in the schools and likes to show off during
demonstrations. I’m going to be taking him to Missouri and work him on I-44 with the Phelps county sheriffs dept on one of their check points. It’s a good place to get large quantities of dope and I can’t wait till the weather breaks so I can take him over there. I know he’ll do fantastic… I’ve attached a couple of pics for ya on here. He’s very healthy and I couldn’t be happier with him. I brag on you guy’s all the time, and hope that I can send you some business.

Take care,

Wayne Wait & Zeus

Georgetown Police Dept , Georgetown, Illinois

Hi Had a perfect physical today at the vets, contract was mailed previous to that anyway. He is an awsome pup, he wants to play tug games with anything he can find but we will be carefull with that. He was packing a small tug around and you can see a perfect grip already.Had him at work today he crashes buy the machine, just wants to be with me, that bond took about two minutes. It has been a pleasure dealing with you and your expertise.


Murray Southern

Hey Marcy,

Just thought I would send along a couple of pics of Kodi now that he is fully mature and looking good. He is one awesome dog that people can’t stop talking about. Here are some recent pics I took of him last weekend.



Hi Marcy,

Well, Lazer earned his SchH3 today at the regionals. His scores left much to be desired :
Tracking he only got a 77, bad handling probably didn’t help. Thought I was standing on a corner, holding him back, and he was right. Obedience 86…still needs to stop bumping me on recall/retrieves, and now his finish too (he flips). Protection..71… he outed, but DIIIRRTY!! Hamilton did start the critique saying “First let me say that the scores you’ll hear in no way reflect how much I love this dog”. Mike Williams asked me if I wanted to sell him. He said he was kidding….? So now I accomplished all my goals for this summer (except for good scores), we’ll start taking the time to fine tune the dog. He’s fun, and we’ll get it done. I know I’m getting redundant, but thanks for a great dog. He’s a great reflection on your care to breed true working dogs.



I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I am by Ranger. He is at 35lbs now and responding very well to voice inflection and command, he was (actually we were) housebroken in less than a week and is now using the dog doors on his own when not crated. Your recommendation for SolidGold, SeaMeal and Vertex have been passed on with great enthusiasm to everyone I meet. We are enrolled in a highly recommended Puppy Class over here and he really enjoys it.

Gina is absolutely in love with his personality, and he and I have bonded perfectly. The whole Alpha /Pack thing seems to be very strong in this one, the more discipline and structure I give him the more he tries to please, it is very rewarding to have him in the family… THIS IS GREAT BREEDING, plain and simple. You should brag yourself up more!! His intellect and drive are wonderful, and he is learning very quickly…sometimes TOO quickly J We keep him busy, no more than 3-4 hours in the crate EVER. The pet sitter has fallen in love with him and he is increasing his ‘earned privilege’ daily around the house… so far we are only down one stuffed animal, but I didn’t tell anyone. 😉

Thank you again for your dedication and efforts to protect this breed from the AKC J I look forward to many years with my little ‘dump truck’ of a GSD!!!!!

Eric Sheehy

Kenosha, WI